Monday, 20 July 2009

Noise control

We mothers tiptoe around our babies when they are asleep so as not to wake them up. During the evenings, I won't let anyone flush the loo, watch TV, talk too loudly or wash up. I have also unplugged the phone on occasion, even though it's totally out of Betty and Dolly's earshot.

Last night our smoke alarm went off, ringing continuously for about 10 seconds. It's practically next to Dolly's head, and she didn't even flinch, let alone wake up.


sew hot said...

When they learn to sleep through the house noise they end up being better sleepers. Mine sleep through almost anything.

Tara@Sticky Fingers said...

I was never a 'don't breath while the baby's asleep' kind of mum.
I would have them in the lounge while I played a spot of Abba in the background and did the vacuuming.
And as Sew Hot says, they sleep through anything now!

san said...

We decided very early on that we wouldn't tiptoe around when they're asleep. My friends did this and we found it tough going staying at their house and keeping silent after 7pm!
I don't want to jinx anything by saying it, but so far so good!
I guess it's what they get used to.
Good luck :-)

cartside said...

We also decided not to tiptoe. Then our daughter turned out to be a very. bad. sleeper. So we did tiptoe, not flush the loo etc. Fortunately, we too eventually had this lightbulb moment when we realised that she's now a very good sleeper and will sleep to house alarms, or even music practice in the cathedral adjoining a bedroom (that was a hotel room, and the music came through the monitor like a radio programme).

I guess now you know you can flush the loo!

Elsie Button said...

ha ha it seems it was only ME who was tiptoeing around! I have been doing it for nearly 3 years, driving tom and our visitors nuts! it has got to stop...

solveig said...

What I find happens is that the smoke alarm/loud music/TV noise/shouting/door bell cause no problem whatsoever. But when I go up to bed, no matter how much I creep around one of them will start stirring. And trying to get to the loo in the night without one of them waking up is practically impossible.

When Theo first arrived his crying at night used to wake Freyja up because it was quite sporadic. We then went through 6 months of hell where he screamed at full volume in the middle of the night - so much so that our poor neighbours had to move their bed to the other side of their room. But Freyja started sleeping through it...

S x

A Confused Take That Fan said...

Ha ha. I hope the fire alarm incident has made you change your ways EB?!

Coding Mamma (Tasha) said...

We tiptoed around with Rosemary, though have just about grown out of it, now that she sleeps deeper. I honestly think she would have slept better and more easily if we hadn't tiptoed around. And our loo would be a lot less disgusting from not being left unflushed overnight and at nap times! With Eleanor, we're planning to have her sleep amongst the noise as much as possible. We'll be leaving the doors open when she's napping, so she can hear the dog barking and Rosemary shouting and singing. I am determined to have a deep sleeper this time!

(Ask me again in a few months, though, and I may have reverted back to how we did it with Rosemary.)