Monday, 18 June 2012

Betty's wrath

We found this note stuck to the bathroom door when we woke up this morning :)


Potty Mummy said...

She makes a valid point!

Elsie Button said...

Yes, I love having her on side!

nappy valley girl said...

Sadly in our house, there's no-one to side with me...

The mum of all trades said...

That young lady will go far!

Philip Aucott said...

In a house full of men, my wife would find this hilarious.

Emma @mummymummymum said...

Ha ha, brilliant! Z has one on his door that says 'No mummies or Daddy's welcome' :-)

Anonymous said...

A very clever young lady! Definitely puts a grown man to shame, lol.

CJ x

One Mother Notes said...

The key question that no one has yet asked. Did it work?