Tuesday, 11 March 2014

A slow but happy existence

It's been five weeks since Betty's beloved pet chicken tried to kill me. Which means I am now half way to possibly being able to ditch the crutches, drive the car, and resume some sort of normality.

But actually, the last few weeks, though very unpleasant and frustrating at times, have been far better than I could have ever imagined. 

I have had copious amounts of tea made for me by my lovely visitors, while we sit in my kitchen, eat cake, and I regale them with stories of my vicious fight with the cockerel, and my marriage proposal to the paramedic (who gave me lots of gas and air and morphine), and the fact I now have a metal rod in my leg and feel like a bit of a hero.

I have been brought homemade cookies, curries, Chocolate Oranges, wine, scones (with jam and cream) olives, ginger cake, laxatives, flowers, biscuits, magazines, Revels, pies, homeopathy remedies, soup, Fruit Pastilles, and lasagnes. 

And the kindness has even extended to friends cleaning my house from top to bottom, while I lay on my bed eating chocolate and watching a rom com on Netflix, being whisked away to Pizza Express, and to the pub.

Having a broken leg also forces you into a very slow existence, which I'm beginning to think is really rather nice. When else would you get away with taking a blissful hour to have a shower and brush your teeth? 

So although I cannot wait to be able to leave the house at will, and walk down the stairs without fear of breaking my neck, it has most certainly not been all bad...


Jane said...

Glad to hear you are on the mend x

Elsie Button said...

Thanks Jane :) x

nappy valley girl said...

Glad you are bearing up! Hope you are not having nightmares about chickens...

Expat mum said...

That whole event is still rather shocking to me. I once got a pigeon stuck in my umbrella while walking down a very crowded Oxford and I'm scarred….

Elsie Button said...

Hi NVG, thank you, the nightmares are getting less... Still sometimes wake up sweating tho :/

Elsie Button said...

Hi Expat Mum, crikey I would be totally scarred from a trapped pigeon in my umbrella too! I have been having acupuncture to combat my terror of all animals... X

Hypnotist Chennai said...

Nice post, i hope everyone will like your post..

Hypnotist Chennai said...

Nice post, i hope everyone will like your post..